The 2-dimensional Ising model

The 2-dimensional Ising model is defined by the energy function:

\[E(\mathbf{\sigma}) = - \sum_{\langle i j \rangle} \sigma_i \sigma_j\]

where $\langle i j \rangle$ refers to connected pairs of sites in the square grid lattice, and $\sigma_i = \pm 1$ are spins. At inverse temperature $\beta$, this defines a Boltzmann probability distribution:

\[P(\mathbf{\sigma}) = \frac{1}{Z} \mathrm{e}^{-\beta E (\mathbf{\sigma})}\]


\[Z = \sum_{\mathbf{\sigma}} \mathrm{e}^{-\beta E(\mathbf{\sigma})}\]

is the partition function.

In the two-dimensional grid lattice, we assume we have a $L\times K$ plane grid, where each spin is connected to its four neighbors. We assume periodic boundary conditions, so spin (1,1) is connected to spin (L,K).

In the thermodynamic limit (large L with K = L), this model suffers a phase transition at the critical inverse temperature $\beta \approx 0.44$ (called βc in the package).

In this package, the system is simulated using the Metropolis algorithm or the Wolff cluster algorithm, both explained here:

Newman, Mark EJ, and G. T. Barkema. "Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics (1999)." New York: Oxford 475 (1999).

Onsager derived exact expressions for the free energy, the heat capacity, and the internal energy in the thermodynamic limit.

Onsager, Lars. "Crystal statistics. I. A two-dimensional model with an order-disorder transition." Physical Review 65.3-4 (1944): 117.

See onsager_internal_energy and onsager_heat_capacity, implemented in this package.