Examples using hybrid (Metropolis + Wolff) sampling method

Magnetization as a function of temperature

import IsingModels as Ising
using Statistics, CairoMakie, Random

Random.seed!(1) # make reproducible

βs = 0:0.025:1
fig = Figure(resolution=(600,400))
ax = Axis(fig[1,1], xlabel="β", ylabel="m")
lines!(ax, 0:0.01:1, Ising.onsager_magnetization, color=:black, label="analytical")

mavg = zeros(length(βs))
mstd = zeros(length(βs))
σ = bitrand(32, 32)
for (k,β) in enumerate(βs)
    σ_t, M, E = Ising.hybrid!(σ, β, steps=10^7)
    m = abs.(M[(length(M) ÷ 2):end]) / length(σ)
    mavg[k] = mean(m)
    mstd[k] = std(m)
scatter!(ax, βs, mavg, color=:blue, markersize=5, label="MC, L=30")
errorbars!(ax, βs, mavg, mstd/2, color=:blue, whiskerwidth=5)

mavg = zeros(length(βs))
mstd = zeros(length(βs))
σ = bitrand(64, 64)
for (k, β) in enumerate(βs)
    σ_t, M, E = Ising.hybrid!(σ, β, steps=10^7)
    m = abs.(M[(length(M) ÷ 2):end]) / length(σ)
    mavg[k] = mean(m)
    mstd[k] = std(m)
scatter!(ax, βs, mavg, color=:red, markersize=5, label="MC, L=70")
errorbars!(ax, βs, mavg, mstd/2, color=:red, whiskerwidth=5)

axislegend(ax, position=:rb)

Wolff steps are mixed with Metropolis steps

import IsingModels as Ising
using CairoMakie, Random

Random.seed!(5) # make reproducible
β = Ising.βc
Δ = 5
σ = bitrand(32, 32)
Ising.metropolis!(σ, β; steps=10^6) # equilibrate a bit to get some clusters
σ_t, M, E = Ising.hybrid!(σ, β; steps=20, save_interval = 1, local_steps = Δ)
fig = Figure(resolution=(600, 500))
for t ∈ 1:size(σ_t, 3)
    ax = Axis(fig[cld(t, Δ), mod1(t, Δ)])
    heatmap!(ax, σ_t[:,:,t], colormap=cgrad([:purple, :orange], [0.5]; categorical=true))

In the figure above, each row is a sequence of consecutive Metropolis steps. Inside a row the configurations are very similar differing in single sites. When the row ends, a Wolff cluster move is taken. It can be seen that the next row has suffered a larger change, since a cluster was flipped.

Magnetic susceptibility

using Statistics, CairoMakie, Random
import IsingModels as Ising

Random.seed!(1) # make reproducible
Ts = 2:0.01:3
βs = inv.(Ts)

fig = Figure(resolution=(600, 400))
ax = Axis(fig[1,1], xlabel=L"temperature $T$ ($=1/\beta$)", ylabel="susceptibility", yscale=log10)
@time for (L, color) in zip([4, 8, 16, 32], [:green, :orange, :blue, :red])
    χ = zeros(length(βs))
    for (k, β) in enumerate(βs)
        σ = bitrand(L, L)
        σ_t, M, E = Ising.hybrid!(σ, β; steps=10^6)
        χ[k] = β/length(σ) * var(abs.(M))
    scatter!(ax, Ts, χ, color=color, markersize=5, label=L"L=%$L")
vlines!(ax, [1 / Ising.βc], label=L"Onsager's $T_c$", color=:black, linestyle=:dash)
axislegend(ax, position=:rt)


Heat capacity

using Statistics, CairoMakie, Random
import IsingModels as Ising

Random.seed!(1) # make reproducible
Ts = 1.5:0.01:3
βs = inv.(Ts)

fig = Figure(resolution=(600, 400))
ax = Axis(fig[1,1], xlabel=L"temperature $T$ ($=1/\beta$)", ylabel="heat capacity", yscale=log10)
@time for (L, color) in zip([4, 8, 16, 32], [:green, :orange, :blue, :red])
    C = zeros(length(βs))
    for (k, β) in enumerate(βs)
        σ = bitrand(L, L)
        σ_t, M, E = Ising.hybrid!(σ, β; steps=10^7)
        C[k] = β^2/length(σ) * var(E)
    scatter!(ax, Ts, C, color=color, markersize=5, label=L"L=%$L")
vlines!(ax, [1 / Ising.βc], label=L"Onsager's $T_c$", color=:black, linestyle=:dash)
axislegend(ax, position=:lt)


Wolff vs. Metropolis spin flip rates

At low temperatures, Wolff flips more spins per unit time than Metropolis. At high temperatures, Metropolis is more efficient. The crossing point approaches the critical temperature for larger system sizes.

using Statistics, CairoMakie, Random
import IsingModels as Ising

Random.seed!(1) # make reproducible
Ts = 1:0.5:5
βs = inv.(Ts)

fig = Figure(resolution=(600, 400))
ax = Axis(fig[1,1], xlabel=L"temperature $T$ ($=1/\beta$)", ylabel="spin flips / second", yscale=log10)
@time for (L, color) in zip([4, 8, 16, 32], [:blue, :red, :orange, :green])
    wolff_rates = zeros(length(βs))
    local_rates = zeros(length(βs))
    for (k, β) in enumerate(βs)
        σ = bitrand(L, L)
        stats = Ising.HybridStats()
        σ_t, M, E = Ising.dynamic_hybrid!(σ, β; steps=10^6, hybrid_stats=stats)
        local_rates[k] = stats.local_flip / stats.local_time
        wolff_rates[k] = stats.wolff_flip / stats.wolff_time
    scatterlines!(ax, Ts, local_rates, markersize=15, label=L"$L=%$L$ local", color=color, marker='x', markercolor=color, linestyle=:dash)
    scatterlines!(ax, Ts, wolff_rates, markersize=15, label=L"$L=%$L$ wolff", color=color, marker='o', markercolor=color, linestyle=:dot)
vlines!(ax, [1 / Ising.βc], label=L"Onsager's $T_c$", color=:black, linewidth=1)

Legend(fig[1,2], ax)


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