Pastebin.jl Documentation

A Julia wrapper around the Pastebin REST API. See


This package is registered. Install with:

import Pkg

The source code is hosted on Github:


This package doesn't export any symbols.

Most of the functions have a helpful docstring. See Reference section. See also the Examples on the menu on the left side bar.


You have 3 ways of creating a Pastebin.Client:

# create pastes as guest

Your devKey can be found here: (you need to login first).

# create pastes as a logged in user
Pastebin.Client(devKey::String, userKey::String)

The userKey is unique to each session and must be retrieved as explained here: Alternatively, you can provide your username and password:

Pastebin.Client(devKey::String, username::String, password::String)

In this case Pastebin.Client will query Pastebin and populate userKey automatically.

Available functions

# For creating pastes
# Note: If your client has a userKey, the paste will be created by that user.
paste(client::Client, title::String, text::String; expire::String, access::Int)

# For removing pastes (requires userKey)
delete(client::Client, key::String)

# For retrieving pastes by Paste key.
# Example: getraw("fs52lKAHf")

These functions return a Pastebin.Response object. You can use the following methods to access parts of the Pastebin.Response:

content(resp::Response) # a String with the response contents
success(resp::Response) # true if query was succesful, false otherwise

Docstrings (see Reference) contain more details on the arguments.