Gaussian layer

In the following example we look at what the Gaussian layer hidden units look like, for different parameter values.

First load some packages.

import RestrictedBoltzmannMachines as RBMs
using CairoMakie, Statistics

Now initialize our Gaussian layer, with unit parameters spanning an interesting range.

θs = [-5; 5]
γs = [1; 2]
layer = RBMs.Gaussian(; θ=[θ for θ in θs, γ in γs], γ=[γ for θ in θs, γ in γs])

Now we sample our layer to collect some data.

data = RBMs.sample_from_inputs(layer, zeros(size(layer)..., 10^6))

Let's plot the resulting histogram of the activations of each unit. We also overlay the analytical PDF.

fig = Figure(resolution=(700,500))
ax = Axis(fig[1,1])
xs = repeat(reshape(range(minimum(data), maximum(data), 100), 1, 1, 100), size(layer)...)
ps = exp.(-RBMs.cgfs(layer) .- RBMs.energies(layer, xs))
for (iθ, θ) in enumerate(θs), (iγ, γ) in enumerate(γs)
    hist!(ax, data[iθ, iγ, :], normalization=:pdf, label="θ=$θ, γ=$γ")
    lines!(xs[iθ, iγ, :], ps[iθ, iγ, :], linewidth=2)
Example block output

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